Wednesday 11 May 2011

Going Home..

"You can go home today."

When you have been in hospital unexpectedly for the past four days, to hear the Dr say those words was like music to my ears!  It may not have been evident to those around me, but inwardly I was singing and dancing in celebration.

That was 8am when the Dr came to see me and prononounced me well enough for discharge.  Now, I knew that there was a certain procedure that had to be followed, before I could actually walk (or in my case, be wheeled) out the door.  So I waited.  And waited.

And waited.  And then waited some more. 

Nothing seemed to be happening.  I asked the nurse what needed to be done.  Ah.  Well, there's the thing.  As the patient I could not do a thing to get ready - everything I could do had already been done.  Now it was up to the Drs, the Pharmacy, and other allied health professionals to do their thing and write up the Discharge letter, get the medications ready.  All would happen, never fear.  Just relax and wait.  Be ready, because when they needed the bed I would have to vacate - even to the "transit lounge" to await my final departure.

My husband wanted to know what time?  I said, no hurry, come after work.  He did.  At 3pm, still no discharge letter, no medications. 

The nurse came and told me that I had to go to the transit lounge.  My bed was needed.  The nurse from the transit lounge came to get me, and all my worldly possessions - a whole small shopping bag full of odds n ends.  I told the nurse I didn't have a discharge letter yet.  No problem - he had it! 

The Pharmacist came to talk to me.  She would go get the medication sorted out.  My husband started making noises about not having to leave work early, he didn't like waiting.  I told him I had no control over the speed with which these things happen...

5pm.  The phone rings - the nurse answered the call and then said to me, you are right to go.  Suddenly all the waiting was over, I was in the wheelchair and whisked downstairs to the pharmacy, then to the car and I was on the way home!  Home never looked so sweet...

I started thinking.  Jesus has promised us that He has gone away to prepare a home for us.  A home within His Father's house.  One day He will come back to take us back there with Him.  We don't know how much longer we have to wait.  We need to stay ready so we can leave with Him at a moments notice.  Home will never have looked so good!  We don't have control over when that happens, but we only have to stay ready - to hold fast and stay prepared.

It was great coming home after my unexpected stint in Hospital.  But how I long to go home to my Father. 

Even so, Come Lord Jesus!

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